What to expect from our partnership in the development of your child
All our staff have childcare qualifications and have a broad knowledge of the EYFS, planning for children and child development. All staff attend yearly training which includes safeguarding children, manual handling, safety, and hold first aid and food safety certificates.
We aim to work in partnership with our parent/carers in the nursery, encouraging involvement, sharing ideas and working together so that we can bring home and nursery life together, to ensure your child has the best start in their education career.
Each child has a key person who supports them while they are at nursery, this person becomes their primary carer whilst at nursery and with whom they, and their family, will build a secure relationship ensuring all feel included, secure, valued and welcome in the nursery.
- Complete daily observations and take photos on the children and use these to address any areas of support that is needed, put individual plans into place, and review accordingly, with the help of the settings SENCO. These plans are updated when needed.
- We will work closely with your child individually and in small group activities and one-to-one sessions, providing resources and using information and ideas to encourage your child's learning.
- Completing plans that allow your child to learn and develop at their own pace with opportunities to extend their learning through play, and help each child reach their full potential while at nursery.
- Recording your child's progress in their learning journal.
- Completing termly progress reports as well as a more comprehensive written two year old check carried out as your child turns two. Two year old checks are done together with parent/carers.
- Filling in your child's daily diary and sharing their day with you. The daily diary is two-way communication between the nursery and home, and we encourage parent/carers to share information about their time away from nursery. This allows us to extend your child’s learning, and enables us to learn from you about your child, and their interests and development.
- Sharing information with you, via daily written and verbal feedback, progress reports, parent meetings, observations that to keep you informed of everything new thing they learn to do.
- Taking accountability and ensuring that your child has progresses through the curriculum, (the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), by planning activities that are based on their interests, for all children to experience and access if they wish to, with each activity being adapted, and offering room for differentiation, to meet individual needs and interests.